Musings and ramblings on the solace of wilderness, the nature of humans, and the journey home.
Our 2022 garden was epic! We produced buckets of nutrient-dense food and provided habitat for a wide variety of wild critters.
If you could choose almost anywhere to live, where would you pick? What criteria helped you make that decision?
Stories from a morning photo walk.
It all started innocently enough. Just a few plants to start from seed…
What separates photography as a craft from photography as an art form?
The seeds have arrived and hopes are high for our new garden space!
The story of my little parasite friend continues and hopefully has reached its final conclusion. Who came out on top?
Approaching the wonderful world of ditches and gutters with a ‘straight-on’ view.
Photography can reveal ideas, directions and feelings within the subconscious mind of the creator. From the first day of shooting for the Ditches and Gutters project a pattern emerges.
Last April, when the world was in lockdown and venturing outside the only permissible excursion, we started a rather unusual project photographing ditches and gutters near our home.
Artography is the creation of in-camera photographic images that depict graphic patterns in nature that on first glace look purely abstract but on closer inspection reveal recogizable nature subjects.
2020 has been a weird year. We all learned lessons, whether we wanted to or not. I learned that I was taking my good health for granted… and that home is where you make it even if it’s not where you expected it to be.
Some mornings we wake to our ‘to do’ lists and feel overwhelmed. The news on the morning radio is disheartening and depressing. The skies outside the window settle low and heavy. One of us will look at the other.
“Cabin day?”
“Damn straight.”
Lately I been thinking about the differences between hiking and walking. No dictionary definitions really dissect the nuances between them but here’s what I think those differences are.
We knew that one of the major changes we needed was a deeper connection with nature. And so in a span of a month we not only put our suburban home on the market, we sold it and moved out….

Hibernacula Art and Life Projects

A little rant on tools including what makes a good tool and why we should demand more from modern tools.